This site contains the official, open1 user guide for the Digital Literary Map of Japan (aka DLM). At the core, the DLM is a MongoDB database aiming to provide information on Japanese places and their literary, poetic, and historical heritage. A modern, JavaScript-based web application is used to access, manipulate, and visualize the contents of the database.

This user guide is intended to be used by project contributors (scholars, research assistants, students) and normal users alike.

The user guide is accessible at all times from the application. In the header, there is a book sign next to the menu button on the right-hand side:

Clicking on this symbol will either open up a specific page of the user guide (depending on where you are) or the front page (this page).

From the front page, accessing the actual user guide amounts to clicking on “USER GUIDE” on the top right of the header.

Heidelberg, Germany, November 2020
Leo Born




フロントページからは、右上の「USER GUIDE」にてユーザーガイド自体をアクセスできます。


1. open means that this user guide is hosted on GitHub and that, thus, the page development (revisions, corrections, additions etc.) can be transparently tracked.